72nd Annual Frances McGahee Youth Day Celebration
Saturday, October 8, 2022, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
10:00am Parade begins
11:00-3:00 Celebration
Youth Day is free to attend. There will be food and drinks available for purchase.
Youth Day has been a long-standing tradition in Roswell that began in 1950 when a group of parents decided to sponsor a parade and a day of activities to honor the youth of the city. In 1951, Mayor Ford Rucker proclaimed the second Saturday in October as "Roswell Youth Day" and each year the tradition grows stronger within the community.

Parade info
The Annual Frances McGahee Youth Day Parade begins at 10:00 AM sharp. This year's theme is "Love Your Parks."
Parade start and line-up area is in front of Roswell First Baptist Church on Mimosa Boulevard.
For parade participants, parking and drop-off will be available at the parking lots behind the First Baptist Church.
Please wear comfortable shoes, bring water, hat, sunscreen and bag for candy collecting!
Roswell Area Park will close to traffic at 9:45 AM and will not reopen until parade is over.
Roads will close no later than 9:45 AM. Roads will open as the parade completely clears a road.
Lots of kids make cute ways for the parade particitpants to toss them candy. Make sure each child has a big bag to hold all their candy.
