Located a 2882 Read Oak Floats Road, Dahlonega, GA 30533
Lavender is my favorite scent! So I was so excited when I learned a few years ago about this place. We usually travel around June so have always missed the picking season. they are usually open April-December to the public.
Located off 400 near Dahlonega is a cute little Lavender field. In early June you can sign up for Lavender picking. It is $7 a person and you get 30 pieces of lavender. Buy your tickets online right away as they sell out fast.

You can go other times to visit, not just picking time.
When we arrived we checked in for our time and were given a basket and scissors and told how to cut the lavender. We then were told what area to cut in and went on our way. There are bees here and you are in the sun, so be prepared.

They have another area that is great for pictures with a gazebo too.
They have a cute gift shop and they sell all kids of lavender items.
They also sold chocolate and vanilla lavender infused ice cream! Yummy!!

They do have a restroom for you to use and picnic tables to eat at.

They had their covid rules posted and we felt we could totally social distance here.

There are not many places along the way to stop, but Dahlonega is great for a bite to eat.
Also near by is Chestattee Wildlife Preserve, North Georgia Wildlife Park and Zoo and Kaya Vineyard and Winery is about 17 mins from here. Yes, we have even done all 4 in one day!
