These are items I suggest you bring with you on a Disney Cruise to have the most magical time.

Water Proof Cell ProtectorThis is great for the water rides. Just place your cell phone in it and it wont get wet. You can still use the phone while in the case. I have also stuck a few dollars and a charge card in it with the phone. This is one thing I do not get off name brand as friends have reuined their phones with those.

Bonine For Sea Sickness - Read the directiosn but I think you take night before and one hour beofre anf then one a day. We never get sea sick. Make sure you have enough for all memebers of your family.

You more than likely will have at least one rain storm so grab these ponchos and be prepared. These are so small they fit in your pocket, purse and I keep some in my car glove box and suitcase and just leave them there for the next rip in the zipper part.

Small packing cubes are great to keep first aid, medicines, extra outfits in etc. Just throw it in the suitcase or stroller bag. I have different colors for different people or categories and makes life and traveling easy! I make themes for each. One for medicine, one for extra clothes to take for kids when we get off the boat, one for bathroom items, etc.

Great for cleaning the table when you sit to eat, wiping the room down for the first time.

Ziploc Gallon BagsYou can store snacks, , extra clothes, make a first aid baggie or just about anything in these.

Portable Charger You will defiantly need this. Make sure to bring the cord for your phone into the park with you!

Mickey Glow Necklaces Save the money now instead of buying there

We got these for our Disney cruise and love them. We put our pins on them so my son can trade. They are great to keep a card in with your information if your child ever got lost. You can put a charge card in it too or cash for when youy get off the boat.

Minnie Mouse Shoes I mean, every little girl needs these!

Mickey Goldfish -great for at port while you wait

Backpack you can fold up to pack-great for using when you get off the boat

Door magnets - great to hang a mask, lanyard or other items

Door Magnets- Everyone does it and easier for kids to find their room.

Nightlights -Great to keep on in the bathrooms at night for the kids

I mean how cute is this for a cruise or give it as a gift with items insdie for a cruise for a surpirse cruise gift!

Outlets- They have plenty but it was nice to have it all in one place. Alwasy check the Disney Cruise website to see if they changed what is allowed.

Sea Lice for Castaway Cay _ I read many get bit there, so we got this to be safe.

Drink Carry -If you go fill your cups for the whole family makes it easier to carry.
